Monday, December 19, 2005

Christmas presents #2

I started and finished my Christmas shopping today. I know, I'm a big time procrastinator! I hope everyone likes their presents; I tried to be creative while sticking close to the lists people provided. The most exciting gifts to buy were for my little baby nephew set to arrive mid-January. I love cute little baby clothes and blankets, etc. So fun to buy that stuff!

I even got the presents in the mail today. Talk about industrious! And while the line at the post office was a little long, it went really quickly. Way to go PO! Should be there by Thursday, yay!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I am done too!! Of course,I waited until today to send off the one that has the longest to go - Granny in Scotland!! OOPS!! Well, if customs is good to me, she might get it before next Christmas!