Sunday, February 12, 2006

super Ginger!

I was just playing with Simba. I admit I was playing rough and getting him very stirred up. He kept trying to attack my hands but it was okay because they were under a blanket; his bites never penetrated through to my skin. All of the sudden, Simba decided this wasn't good enough and jumping up, tried to bite the top of my head. Before I even knew what was going on, Ginger jumped onto Simba and bit him, protecting me from his attack. When he fell, she let go and started hissing at him, letting him know his behavior would not be tolerated.

Don't worry, I'm fine; he didn't really bite me. I'm in shock right now by Ginger's heroic feat! She's normally so docile and a scaredy cat. She was my knight in shining armor!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

freak me out!

Oh my Extreme Home makeover was awesome...THE BAND!!! That was soooooo cool and Ty attacking that girl on the drill field, hilarious! Too bad they didn't do it in the fall when the campus was beautiful.