Saturday, November 12, 2005

It has taken me a few days to write this post because I have been processing exactly what happened. I knew someone was going to die on Lost; the commercials let me know that. But why did it have to be Shannon? Sure, she was a little miss princess when the show started, but she has come so far. She was finally starting to see that there was purpose for her life and that she was valuable. That should have been my first major clue that she was getting the axe. She wasn't my favorite character or anything, but I hate it when someone goes through such a transformation and then dies. It's such a waste! But I'm so emotionally connected to these characters that I can't think of any one of them that I want to see die. Maybe I should take a break from the show for a while...

Whoa! What just happened?! Did I just say I shouldn't watch Lost?! I'm better now, no worries.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

don't watch the show...but...maybe the transformation is a good thing...I mean we all want the transformation before we die...KWIM? Now I'm reading way into the show.