Tuesday, November 01, 2005

fire drills

Today the fire alarm went off at school. I hate it when that happens. As if it's not mad chaos to begin with in my class, they have to set off an alarm that allows them to roam outside in the parking lot between all the teachers' cars. I did a head count a at least 5 chose to hang out with other classes. I had students from other periods come over to hang out with my class and I had to tell them to go back to their class. I thought it was just a drill but then a fire truck zoomed by and I thought, "great!" I looked around the school to see if smoke was pouring out anywhere. I figure a cake must have spent too long in the Home Ec oven or something and set off the alarm. After 20 minutes we were allowed to go back into the building. With only 20 minutes left of class, it was impossible to get anything done. Oh well.


Kelli said...

no such luck on the school burning down huh?

Angie-la said...

man... cake would be so good right now, but not if it was burned.

mom says she's gonna make me a cake when i come home. go ahead, be jealous.