Tuesday, December 07, 2004

on being cold

I went to Minneapolis/St. Paul last weekend. The first night it was 20 degrees. Part of me was like "dang! this is cold!" but a bigger part of me loved it. I love the cold because it makes me feel so alive. I felt like I was in a Robert Frost poem as I walked around, seeing my breath for the first time in years. Plus, with zero humidity, my hair looked great! And that's what is really important.

People from the upper midwest talk funny. They say their a's and o's weird. I once got asked if I was from Minnesota. I guess that makes the way I talk weird too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha i love the cold. today it was finally cold enough to wear a sweater!! though i think i love the cold way more since its such a rare thing here in Florida. When its always cold it isnt such a fun thing.

glad you posted.