Monday, July 26, 2004

Flea infestation

I hate fleas.  My apartment is infested with them.  One flea bomb has already been attempted, but there wasn't a lot of success.  So another one will be tried today.  I hate knowing that we have fleas.  It makes me feel like I'm a dirty, messy person!  And I'm not!  Well, I'm not dirty anyways.  The thought of little creepy bouncing bugs grosses me out.  I'm so paranoid that when I sit on the couch, they are going to attack me, and then I start to itch. 

Cockroaches I can handle because you don't see them very often.  But fleas!?  Yuck!

Any ideas for how to get rid of them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am better with fleas than cockroaches, because whether I see the cockroaches or not, they make it so I can't breathe. Meanwhile, fleas just give you little bumps that are admittedly itchy, but I am breathing easy. :-) I don't think this helped at all. Anyway, good luck with your infestation. And no, you aren't dirty. But yes, you are messy. Not to say I'm not, just that you are too. :-P