Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Job search

Job interviews are interesting things.  You go in, not really sure if you want the job because you don't even know what the job is (at least that has been my experience the last several times) and you have to make yourself look great so that they will at least consider you for the position.  I had an impromtu interview yesterday.  The position sounds kind of cool, yet it doesn't pay well at all and doesn't offer benefits.  It's probably pride, but I just can't take a job that doesn't pay well after investing so much time and money in an college education.  I know, I should be more humble.  I just need a job at this point and I should not be so picky!  Another job that I interviewed for sounds really interesting and I think the interview went well.  I think I made myself look pretty good and like the company couldn't live without me (okay, slight exageration).  But, I still haven't heard back from them.  It hasn't been a full week yet, but I was hoping to hear something, even if just another rejection.  At least I would know.  Yesh, I will be glad when this process is over!  But then again, does it ever really end?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, it does end... with retirement :-) But you have... just a few (or very many) years left till then, so, until then, good luck with your interviews, and I hope you can find something you enjoy, that pays well. And has benefits. With a break room that has a coffee machine in it... and maybe donuts in the morning... and a micro fridge. Yeah. That would be sweet. Sorry, got lost in my own dreams for a job :-)