Friday, March 17, 2006

I am not a priority.


Kelli said...

wth!? What is going on??????????? CALLL ME DAG NABIT! I'm really getting worried, now... when dh gets home I'm calling you if you don't call me before...I'm going to email you my home phone humber!

Summer said...

i'm so sad that you're sad. i love you.

Margiana said...

ciaooooo Annette? hello?... I cannot call you... I think of you. Know you are in my prayers. As you can see you ARE a PRIORITY.

Angie-la said...

dudette, i just got back from break and what is this entry, huh? hakuna matada, hon. be happy! i will send you presents :-) there that will help :-D call me if ya need anything... but hopefully you are feeling a little better now, a week later. i love you.

Karen said...

Skettie, I just finished watching last night's LOST and it was Great!! I hope you saw it and next week looks like it will be GREAT too! AND WHERE ARE YOU??

Margiana said...

Ciao Annette. I loved your blog very much and wish I could read more about you and the cats. So many days are passed by and I know you are a priority. And if you have to visit Italy then we have to know each other better... so keep posting. Be a priority. Luvies

searchingtruth said...

i just wanted to thank you for your comment you left a while ago... regardless of the problem, we can all use a little encouragement every now and again... it seems like you could use some too... so i hope whatever is wrong gets better... or rather... i know it will... and i'll pray... peace.