Saturday, March 11, 2006


Sorry I haven't been around this week. It's been a hard and stressful one, and I'd like to fill you in on what has happened, but I just don't have the strength or the will to even try. I am completely exhausted...


Margiana said...

Annette.... you left a comment in my blog that I would turn it to you. Moreover I really thank you for your support. It's incredible how I don't know you but feel comforted by you. Thank you thank you thank you.
Know you are thought!

Karen said...

Skettie, I hope that you are feeling and doing better. I have been so out of the loop this week - what happened??

Kelli said...

where are you!?? I'm getting worried! ARE you okay? If Bees is feeling better I will try to call you after AI tonight? What did you think of Ace...not that great huh? Now Chris and McPhever rocked :) :)

Karen said...


Kelli said...

mY CELL ISn't working...PLEASE POST!!!!