Sunday, September 10, 2006


The 3rd week of school just finished, and already I have my first cold. Last year I was sick numerous times, at least once a month, with some sort of respiratory crud. I even went to the doctor last fall because I needed to get another inhaler (I used to only use it for exercise every once in a while but last fall I needed it almost once per day). Several students were sniffling in class last week but I didn't think I would catch it.

I woke up this morning with a sore throat and already it has moved to the sneezing stage. Hopefully that means it will be over sooner. I'm really tired and achy, blech! Enough complaining...

Time to start the tissue box collection campaign in my classes...


Angie-la said...

feel better! i'd get you some vitamin c but by the time it got to you, you'd be feeling better.

Kelli said...

(((((hugs)))))) feel better soon :)

Karen said...

OOH, I always hate the first few weeks of school for that reason!! I hope you are feeling better - maybe you could wear one of those surgical masks !! That would get you one wierd teacher reputation! You Think!