Saturday, July 01, 2006

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

Guess what, peeps! I'm coming to Orlando! I can not wait to get there and see everyone. I never thought I'd miss Orlando so much:) I will be in town July 11-19th. I want to see as many people as possible! I'll call people to make sure you are around; please pencil me in somewhere in those busy schedules!

Things I'm looking forward to on my trip to Orlando:
*cathcing up with lots of friends
*going to Karen's wedding
*the beach!!!
*seeing Cheri's wedding dress
*eating at Season's 52 with my bff Tiger
*meeting Christy's bird Franz
*driving by the last place I worked and thanking God that I don't work there anymore (not CCC)
*Backyard Burger, yum!
*getting out of Dallas!
Wow, I never realized how much I have to be thankful for as far as Orlando goes. This makes me even more excited!


Kelli said...

have fun! Can't wait til you come to VA :)

annette said...

sarah, i should have asked if you wanted to come too! we could have traveled together, how fun!